Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow

I'm sure that many of you have seen the thirlling movie, The Day After Tomorrow. Although the plot of this movie may be a little dramatic, it sets up a picture of the potential effects global warming may have on this planet. After the movie was released to the public, MSNBC produced an article commenting on the disastrous affects that were illustrated in the movie. In one portion of the movie, the temperature's in New York City plummet from chilly to unbearably freezing. Critics state that this immediate drop in temperature is extremely unlikely, but could happen over a long period in time. In another scene, there are several military officials in a helicopter, and the temperature's dropped so dramatically that the engines froze, and they crashed to the ground. After impact, a man attempts to open the doors to the helicopter, but immediatly after opening the door he freezes to death! It's mindblowing. The director of this movie purposely exaggerates in this manner to show the potential outcomes of global warming on Earth. Another alarming scene is when numerous amounts of tornado's strike Los Angeles. The city is destroyed in such a small period of time. Again, the directior is being extremely dramatic, but critics state that the the change in climate can cause severe hurricanes and other harmful storms. This movie serves as a good warning to what could possibly happen one day if the world ignores globlal warming.



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